30.000 MARAVEDÍES 2020
30.000 Maravedíes 2020 is a village wine that shows the climatic conditions of San Martín de Valdeiglesias. In the foothills of the Gredos mountain range, between the elevations marked by the valleys of the Upper and Lower Alberche, the Iruelas Valley and the Upper Tiétar Valley, the vines retain a unique mesoclimate and soil profile: between 650 and 850 metres above sea level, mountain rainfall and the mark of the granite in sandy texture. 30.000 maravedíes is made with 90% Garnacha and 10% local varieties in an attempt to faithfully represent the reality of the environment.
Freshness. The fruity and delicate character of the Garnacha grape. Reflection in the bottle of different soils, orientations and vineyards, an expression of the viticultural history of San Martín de Valdeiglesias.
A dream vintage
The 2020 vintage was a great vintage in the area, with a winter that started with lower-than-usual rainfall. The rains in the second half of March and April slowed down the start of the plant’s cycle. The development of the vine was very fast and involved extra work to maintain the balance in viticulture. The summer was very dry and hot. A somewhat rainy August mitigated the lack of continuous rainfall and facilitated the final development of the vines. The red varieties were harvested between 1 and 18 September.
The history of San Martín
San Martín de Valdeiglesias is and has been a wine-growing municipality. Its orography is defined by four valleys: mainly surrounded by the upper and lower Alberche, its altitude stands out over the valley of the Iruelas and the valley of the upper Tiétar. Garnacha vines, together with other local varieties, have flooded the landscape on the edge of the Gredos mountain range for centuries. Unique viticultural conditions facilitate optimal development and balance in the vineyard: highly weathered granite soils with a sandy texture, mountain rainfall and Mediterranean temperatures determined by the altitude: 650 to 850 metres above sea level. The name of the wine recalls the local history: 30,000 maravedíes is the amount paid by Álvaro de Luna to purchase the manor of San Martín.
Village wine
30.000 Maravedíes is the result of blending the character of the San Martín Garnacha with the other local varieties that are part of its history. During the harvest, the bunches were hand-picked in 12 kg crates. The selected grapes arrived at the winery 90% whole, with only 10% of the grapes destemmed. Indigenous yeasts were used for fermentation. Fermentation took place in French oak vats of 3,000 to 4,500 litres and stainless steel tanks, with pigeage and foot treading. It was aged on its own lees in 2,500 to 11,500-litre French oak vats and foudres for 8 months. Bottling took place in the spring of 2021. Contain sulfites.